Hypnotherapy / Psychotherapy Sessions
B R E A T H E. LISTEN. CHANGE. Release & Renew Improve Self Esteem
Service Description
Use the mind-body link to Improve Self Esteem and see the results you have been seeking. You’ll enter a trance-like state that will give you heightened focus and concentration, making it easier to help you regain control. What is Hypno-Psychotherapy? Functional-focused Hypno-psychotherapy is the combination of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy tools. It focuses on functionality of the client, restoring the client from any neuroses that they may be experiencing. The therapy is person centred and solution focused, and via a path of self-healing, the client is responsible for their own management in a supported environment. FFH-P allows the therapist to select the appropriate tools for cognitive reconstruction, tailoring the treatment to the needs of the individual client. A whole raft of these psychotherapeutic tools are available to the therapist, allowing flexibility of approach, and enabling the therapist to find tools to fit the client, rather than trying to fit the client to the tools. As the entire process is enhanced by trancework, FFH-P has a whole-brain, mind-body focus, and addresses any unconscious sabotage, amnesia, patterning, blocks, limitations etc that the client may not be able to consciously resolve or overcome. By programming the subconscious mind with benevolent suggestion, the client is more readily able to use mindfulness to control responses to events that had previously felt beyond their scope of control. The process is evidence based, and qualitative experiences are measured via testing so quantitative gains may be easily recognised by the client and therapist. The focus on functionality in this therapy gives the power to the client; providing them with practical psychotherapeutic tools to navigate their own path to full self-healing. Rather than solely identifying and exploring issues, the client is able to use tools to integrate their understandings in their daily practice and lives. Essentially, a functional focus enables the client to move from states of inhibited or limited function to a greater sense of freedom and ease. The client is able to build a resource of practical mechanisms that are transferable to ongoing self-management if/when other issues causing distress arise. This moves the client from being a victim of their situation, to be able to take charge of their own domain. This transfer of ownership of (supported) healing to the client enables the therapy to have a briefer delivery time than other therapies.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be made within 24 hours of scheduled appointment, or a 50% charge will apply.
Contact Details
64 Jennings Rd, Hamilton VIC 3300, Australia