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At Hamilton Reiki, the Usui Method of Natural Healing is utilised and taught by an experienced, registered, insured Reiki Master dedicated to Reiki and its application. Terryl, Hamilton Reiki's primary practitioner, considers Reiki a way of life and a healing modality. She practises daily meditation rituals and adheres to the founding pillars and precepts of Reiki. 


For those seeking a gentle form of treatment, Reiki works on both physical and emotional issues. Consider this ancient and timeless therapy if you are yearning for energetic assistance or 'enhancement'.  Regardless of how you perceive the phenomenon of Reiki, it is undoubtedly one of the simplest and complete relaxation methods available to receive or self-administer. 


The spiritual pathway includes no strict dogma or assertions.  The practices of Reiki enable us to access our Nervous System in such a way as to engage the immune system, feel open and connected, and release perceived stress response. It is a wellness system that is a complete spiritual pathway, and can be practiced regardless of religious creed or denomination.


Thus, Reiki allows for the body's innate self-healing mechanisms to do what they are naturally designed to do.  Heal Thyself.  ​Hamilton Reiki is located in the Southern Grampians region of Victoria. Accommodation options are available for those travelling to the region.


Reiki Treatments may be booked online (Home Page - In Person Services Section - scroll down).


Reiki Courses may be booked below (deposits only). 

What is Reiki?

Reiki ('ray-key') is a natural therapy that increases energy and promotes healing, relaxation and meditation.  A Japanese word, Reiki can be divided into two parts;

Rei can be loosely translated into English to mean spirit, and Ki to mean force.  In the West, we may refer to this phenomenon as Universal Life Energy, or the energy found in all things.
Reiki works on both physical and emotional issues, revitalising and harmonising the energy systems, and clearing any energetic blockages.  It is applied through non-invasive and gentle touch.  

Reiki was founded (or perhaps more accurately 're-discovered') by Mikao Usui (1856-1926), a Tendai Buddhist Monk who saw Reiki first as a path to enlightenment and a way of life, and secondly, as a healing modality.
Reiki is considered to be a complementary therapy, and is not to be used to replace conventional medical treatments, rather, it is used to assist and enhance wellbeing and healing.  It is currently used across the world in private practices, hospitals, nursing homes, palliative care hospices, wellness centres and community service establishments.
Common experiences for clients who receive Reiki include feelings of peacefulness and connectedness, relaxation, and an increase in energy.  No harm can come from the application of Reiki as it works to rebalance, realign and boost an individual's well being.


Mikao Usui - copyright Reiki Australia

Why LEARN REIKI & Course Details

Originally, the teachings of Reiki were focused on spiritual development and self-betterment, rather than as a treatment system. The founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui, believed that the practice of Reiki was a pathway to enlightenment and a means of achieving inner peace and harmony. Usui taught that by connecting with the universal life force energy, individuals could tap into their own innate healing abilities and achieve a greater sense of self-awareness and spiritual growth. With simple and timeless meditation techniques, and very simple precepts, the practice enables one to develop self-awareness and mindfulness, and to to engage with life from a connected perspective.  


Over time, the practice of Reiki has evolved to include a range of treatment applications, but the traditional teachings of Reiki remain focused on spiritual development and self-improvement. Today, many individuals continue to practice Reiki as a means of achieving greater self-awareness, inner peace, and spiritual growth, and complete the degrees purely for as a spiritual pathway, rather than to treat others.


The courses at Hamilton Reiki are VERY small and intimate, giving every particpant direct access to the teacher, and support is ongoing. The courses will run with a minimum of 2 particpants, and a maximum of 4. The 3rd Degree will only have 2 particpants in the course.  A course is run each month around the full moon, and the Master Level this year occurs on the Winter Solstice and Full Moon. Upon completeion, you are able to gain membership with ARC / AARP at the Degree Level achieved.


You must practicec Level I (1st Degree) for 6 months before applying for Level II (2nd Degree), and Level II must be practiced for 12 months before applying to study Level III (3rd Degree).  Courses commence at 10 am, and conclude around 4:30-5 pm. All materials and healthy, soul nourishing snacks are provided.


A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required for enrolment into the LEVEL I & II Courses, and non-refundable deposit of $300 is required for the Teacher Level.  Once a deposit is received, you'll be invoiced the remainder of your account to be paid before course attendance.  Payment plans are availble on request. 


Please read student testimonials below, and peruse the dates to find a course date that suits you.


LEVEL I COURSES - Self Practice - SHODEN - $380

October 18th & 19th


LEVEL II Courses - Practitioner - OKUDEN - $450

December 6th & 7th


LEVEL III - Teacher / Master - SHINPIDEN - $1450

Witer Solstice & Full Moon 2024

June 21st, 22nd & 23rd

Please email me with your selected weekend, and I'll confirm.  If the weekend is booked out, it will be struck out here, so please select another.


“(The Reiki Course was)  Fascinating, informative and enriching!  I feel bright and relaxed.”

"Terryl is an incredibly generous spirited, positive person who is passionate about Reiki and wants to share the many benefits with as many people as possibly.  She is non-judgmental, nurturing and wise." 

“I feel as though I have been entrusted with a precious jewel that will help personal healing and that I may be able to share in the future."

"This (course) has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life, and I am utterly blessed to have had you Terryl to teach me such a wonderful healing modality." 

"The Reiki Course instilled a profound sense of peace and empowerment within me.  I feel I can now easily access the tools to re-balance me at any time." 

"I feel as though I can enhance the energy in and around me.  I can calm myself to a point where the chatter in my head stops!!" 

"The closeness between everyone in the group, and the openness and willingness to share reinforces my faith in humanity".

©2021 by beliefit®

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